The Well Project

‘The Well Project’ is a campaign seeking to build water wells in Cambodia and Tanzania that has been initiated by the Class of ’18. Cambodia and Tanzania have been chosen as they are known for their high rates of illnesses because of their lack of access to clean water. As the vision of the campaign is to reach $10,500 and to improve the conditions in these countries, the girls have been conscientious to reach their aim. The progress of the girls has been outstanding, as they are half way of reaching their target fundraiser goal. Their hard work has been seen through their weekly Thursday stalls, which have consisted of selling sizzling sausages and a variety of sweets and savouries, and their weekly Friday stalls which include the selling of freshly-picked and organic produce straight from the veggie patch. The year 12s have also been thoroughly planning many fundraisers, such as their main event the ‘Fashion Show’ and other minor activities throughout this year. The effort put in to make the Mother’s Day hampers has not been put to waste since they were sold within seconds of becoming available. Be on the lookout for announcements and posters around campus as well as our social media newsfeed to be updated on news regarding the charity. Contact us via email ([email protected]) or our social media (Facebook: & Instagram:

To donate:
BSB: 063620 & ACCOUNT NUMBER: 10983125
Or simply approach any of the year 12 girls

Selin Yilmaz, 12B